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ABS Today Eagle Corner 2023 Fall Edition
Download PDFThe New Testaments that ABS and several other organization and individuals helped to finance are given to any Scout or Scouter who wanted one at no cost to them!! Thank you ABS!!! AND thank you Brother Chip for being the champion of this huge project!! These New Testament Bibles are a new lighter version.
Rev. Thomas Martin’s leadership style is someone who can be counted on “over the long haul” to be deep, steady, focused, dependable, humble, supportive and extraordinarily committed in his faithfulness to his God while unselfishly investing in the lives of others. Thomas has served on six National Jamboree staffs as a chaplain. He has played a key role in leadership for the Jamboree chaplaincy staff. In the postponed 2021 National Scout Jamboree, he was selected to be the headquarters’ Chaplaincy Leader. He was the co-leader of the 2019 World Scout Jamboree Chaplaincy. He serves on the National Religious Relationship Committee. He serves on the National Executive Board of the Association of Baptists for Scouting. He has served numerous times on the staff for Scouting Ministry at the Philmont Training Center. He is an Eagle Scout and Vigil Honor member of the Order of the Arrow. He is one of the youngest ever to be presented with the adult Good Shepherd Religious Award for the Baptist Church. He serves in numerous local and statewide organizations, which benefit faith-based and secular audiences. He is currently a Cub Scout Leader for his son’s Cub Scout Pack. In his 27+ years in Scouting, he has held many leadership positions in his council including being a member of the council’s Executive Board. He serves as the Associate Pastor of the First Baptist Church in Pineville, Louisiana.
Merri has demonstrated a long and selfless history in supporting and promoting the spiritual foundation of Scouting. She has served as the chair of her council’s Religious Relations Committee and has been the driving force of the council’s annual Duty to God Retreat. She has numerous times served on the Duty to God Staff at Philmont Training Center for the week long “Scouting in the Baptist Church”. She has served for years on the national level with the Association of Baptist for Scouting as its National Secretary and newspaper editor. She can be found working the Duty to God booth at the BSA National Meetings. She is a shining example of what the Scouting program’s Duty to God is meant to be. She has been recognized with the Order of the Arrow Vigil Award and has served as her O.A. Lodge Advisor. She has received the Silver Beaver Award and the Baptist Good Shepherd Award.
Ted started his Scouting as a Cub Scout 60 years ago. Scouting is better because of his lifetime devotion to the program and his “Duty to God”. He exemplifies servanthood and his zeal for Scouting is truly refreshing. He is an Eagle Scout - part of four generations of Spangenberg Eagle Scouts - and a Vigil member of the Order of the Arrow. He was serving as a Scoutmaster by the age of 23. His service includes District Commissioner, Council Executive Board (President), and Southern Region Executive Board. He currently serves on the BSA National Religious Relationship Committee as the Chair of the Chaplaincy Subcommittee. He is a Deacon in his local Baptist church and an ordained minister. He served for 7 years as the National President of the Association of Baptists for Scouting. He has served on numerous National Jamboree staffs in such roles as Subcamp Chief and as Base Camp Chaplains’ Coordinator. He has served at Philmont as the Course Director for Baptist Scouting and the inaugural BSA Chaplaincy course. He has been recognized with the District Award of Merit, the Silver Beaver Award, the Silver Antelope Award, and the Baptist Silver Good Shepherd Award. Ted serves God with Scouting, with his family, with his church, in his community, and across the nation.
The Religious Relationships Support Committee of the Boy Scouts of America is privileged and honored to announce the recipients of the 2018 National Duty to God Award for exemplary leadership, faithful service, and selfless dedication to the advancement and support of Scouting's founding moral principles and shared ideals.
Sam Houston - Chaplin ABS Donna J. Copeland - Membership Chair ABS
Larry W. Coppock Neil LuptonThe award will be bestowed on these distinguished Scouters at the Boy Scouts of America's National Annual Meeting on May 24th during the Duty to God Breakfast.